¿Fraudes Electorales?

Pues bien, estas han sido unas muy interesantisimas elecciones en Mexico.

Desafortunadamente nuestra politica aun no tiene un nivel de cultura lo suficientemente amplio para lograr aceptar lo que esta ocurriendo en el pais.

El recuento de los daños es el siguiente.

3 Julio:

El programa PREP 2006 arroja ganador al candidato panista Felipe Calderon con un 36.38% de las actas electorales superando por 1.04% al candidato de la Coalicion por el Bien de Todos AMLO.

4 Julio:

Tanto como el coordinador de campaña como el mismo andres manuel, dicen que hay inconsistencias en los resultados electorales por que supuestamente hay 2.5 millones de votos perdidos.

El presidente del Instituto Federal Electoral menciona que no estan perdidos si no que presentan ireegularidades las actas y que por ello son canceladas.

Esta aprobacion fue hecha por todos los partidos en frebrero del presente año.

El PRD pide que se cuente nuevamente las actas por distritos abriendo los paquetes de las actas y checandolas una por una.

5 Julio:

El IFE empieza con este proceso en todos los distritos electorales del pais con presentes de cada partido politico para avalar los resultados, tanto el PRD como el PAN mencionan que estaran conformes con el resultado.

El PRD menciona que se tome todo el tiempo necesario para hacer un buen conteo que por ley permite hasta el proximo domingo para que los resultados sean excactos.

5 Julio Conteo de Actas:

Actas computadas al 25%

  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador: 36.98%
  • Felipe Calderón: 34.39%
Actas computadas al 40%

  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador: 37.02%
  • Felipe Calderón: 34.39%
Actas computadas al 53%

  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador: 37.07%
  • Felipe Calderón: 34.38%
Actas computadas al 60%
  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador: 37.09 %
  • Felipe Calderón: 34.56%
Actas computadas al 65%
  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador: 36.98 %
  • Felipe Calderón: 34.56%

04:08: En estos momentos Felipe Calderón supera en los conteos a Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

04:24: El sitio web de Andrés Manuel López Obrador ha sido hackeado.

Actas computadas al 99.12%
  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador: 35.42%
  • Felipe Calderon: 35.76%
Despues se espera el llamado de prensa de AMLO a las 8:30am

Despues de que AMLO aparece frente camaras dice nuevamente hay irregularidades TENEMOS PRUEBAS vamos a ir al Tribunal Electoral a chillar y el sabado vamos a andar de desmadrosos a las 5:00pm en el zocalo. bla bla bla

Yo vote por el PAN y esty deacuerdo en los procesos electorales si bien hay fraude, no tendre objecion en que AMLO sea presidente si tu que estas leyendo esto votaste por el, pero si no es asi por favor deja de alegar y respeta la desicion ciudadana.

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Atte werty


lowjake dijo…
As a one-time leftist, I can tell you unequivocally that the left will lie, cheat, steal and even kill, to get control and win elections! The left will cry, whimper, try to hold rallies or whatever they believe will give the people the impression they have been robbed.

Witness the weak and cowardly Al Gore (in the US 2000 election) who whined and cried that he was the winner, even as his leftist shills were stealing elections from New Mexico to Washington. The left is morally weak and by definition, murderous, as they are sneaky. The human beings on this earth who have been murdered by the lovers of marx;(a partial list including: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Caucesceau, Ho CHi Minh, Castro, and their clients which includes Saddam), would fill the entire potentially rich land of Mexico. For every Mexican citizen there would be a state-sponsored murdered body of a Russian, Uzbek, Romanian, Chinese, Ukrainian, Czech, Bulgarian, Georgian, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Albanian, Moldavian, Serbian, Pole, Lithuanian, Latvian, Turkman, Cuban, North Korean (as just a partial list, here) laying there, unpleasantly rotting and reminding us all of the vast genocidal, mass-murdering, monstrous crimes of the left . . . and their unwitting sympathizers, aptly named "The Useful Idiots" by Lenin himself.

I would hope that the People of Mexico would not fall for the glittering falsehoods ". . . . for the people" uttered by the demigods of the left such as the criminal from Venezuela. Wherever the left gains power, misery and poverty follows as the marxist class system and cutting off of the Peoples' voice becomes the norm. Once the people are under control of the buildings full of marxist gunmen and bureaucrats, the game is over! They just take you out, group by group, to the desert or jungle and shoot you, if you are "inconvenient", in their post-religious world view. You simply are never seen again, and your family had just better not ask too many questions, or they too get to disappear.

The only people to get to have grandchildren are those people who keep their heads down and their pain to themselves . . . and their dreams undreamed; and, of course, their hopes unhoped.

Mexico is at a crossroads. Conservatively, with religion, Mexico can grow and prosper, potentially dynamically. It is chaotic, wild and challenging to cultivate the freedom to grow, prosper and be intellectually, physically and economically strong; . . . or Mexicans can live free from choice, have no voice and weakly succumb to the demand that they be good followers which will inevitably be Mexico's fate, if the people vote leftist. If people want others to do their thinking and management for them, that's exactly what they will get. Too late, the world's slave-state people discover it's no fun.

That long partial list of the world's people; from the Albanians and Chinese to the Turkmen and Vietnamese, have all learned that the marxist payoff works in reverse, that it's the "For The Good Of The People" people who decide that you get to die, and since it's a state secret, your survivors had better not ask any questions!
lowjake dijo…
As a one-time leftist, I can tell you unequivocally that the left will lie, cheat, steal and even kill, to get control and win elections! The left will cry, whimper, try to hold rallies or whatever they believe will give the people the impression they have been robbed.

Witness the weak and cowardly Al Gore (in the US 2000 election) who whined and cried that he was the winner, even as his leftist shills were stealing elections in New Mexico and Washington. The left is morally weak and by definition, murderous, as they are sneaky. The human beings on this earth who have been murdered by the lovers of marx;(a partial list including: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Caucesceau, Ho CHi Minh, Castro, and their clients which includes Saddam), would fill the entire potentially rich land of Mexico. For every Mexican citizen there would be a state-sponsored murdered body of a Russian, Uzbek, Romanian, Chinese, Ukrainian, Czech, Bulgarian, Georgian, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Albanian, Moldavian, Serbian, Pole, Lithuanian, Latvian, Turkman, Cuban, North Korean (as just a partial list, here) laying there, unpleasantly rotting and reminding us all of the vast genocidal, mass-murdering, monstrous crimes of the left . . . and their unwitting sympathizers, aptly named "The Useful Idiots" by Lenin himself.

I would hope that the People of Mexico would not fall for the glittering falsehoods ". . . . for the people" uttered by the demigods of the left such as the criminal from Venezuela. Wherever the left gains power, misery and poverty follows as the marxist class system and cutting off of the Peoples' voice becomes the norm. Once the people are under control of the buildings full of marxist gunmen and bureaucrats, the game is over! They just take you out, group by group, to the desert or jungle and shoot you, if you are "inconvenient", in their post-religious world view. You simply are never seen again, and your family had just better not ask too many questions, or they too get to disappear.

The only people to get to have grandchildren are those people who keep their heads down and their pain to themselves . . . and their dreams undreamed; and, of course, their hopes unhoped.

Mexico is at a crossroads. Conservatively, with religion, Mexico can grow and prosper, potentially dynamically. It is chaotic, wild and challenging to cultivate the freedom to grow, prosper and be intellectually, physically and economically strong ; . . . or Mexicans can live free from choice, have no voice and weakly succumb to the demand that they be good followers which will inevitably be Mexico's fate, if the people vote leftist. If people want others to do their thinking and management for them, that's exactly what they will get. Too late, the world's slave state people discover it's no fun.

That long partial list of the world's murdered people; from the Albanians and Chinese to the Turkmen and Vietnamese, have all learned that the marxist payoff works in reverse, . . . that it's the "For The Good Of The People" people who decide that you get to die, and since it's a state secret, your survivors had better not ask any questions!
Anónimo dijo…
pues como yo también vote por el PAN estoy de acuerdo con los resultados de las elecciones.

Y pues que decirle a AMLO "Así es esto...a veces se gana y a veces se pierde" no?
puesssss, realmente yo no estoy muy contento de ke jelipillo sea nuestro proximo chingador, pero tampoco voy a ponerme en contra de los ciudadanos ke votaron pór el (si es ke si existen, por ke yo si creo ke hubo un fraudesillo por ahi), y pos ni modo, el ke tiene el poder lo tiene y ni ke hacerle,, pero hay ke hecharle ganas todos juntos,, ya ke no todo depende del presidente.
Bu, eso del fraude se me hace una !"#$%$#, fijense nada mas, fraude por 1 millon de ciudadanos que contaron los votos, mas los 140 y algo mil IMBECILES REPRESENTANTES DE CASILLA DEL PRD que ni contar votos saben, mas los 14 millones que votaron en su contra, mas los 30 millones que se abstuvieron (ojo al no votar no apoyaron al Sr. Lopez), mas los 640 observadores internacionales, mas la ONU que incluso tuvo presencia, se me hace una !"#%$& que digan que fraude, solo son maneras de justificarse y curarse en salud, vaya se parecen a la Seleccion Mexicana, lo unico que de muestra esto es que el DF y el EDO MEX, no son mexico, bien por los del norte, me alegro de sobre manera que no haya quedado el pg (y no no por la campaña del miedo es que vote en su contra). y como Calderon mismo dijo "Bueno la contienda ya acabo, ahora a buscar el acuerdo" (No textualmante lo dijo algo asi), y si que bueno que este dispuesto a integrar a los de otros partidos en el gabinete, que bueno que quiera retomar proyectos QUE REALMENTE AYUDEN A MEXICO, y que bueno que busque la union y la concordia y no la confrontacion, recuerden argumentos y justificaciones para el fracaso hay muchas, solo es cuestion de buscarle, asi que SR. LOPEZ el domingo mis vecinos, conocidos, el sr de la tienda, la de las papas, estuvieron contanto los VOTOS UNO A UNO asi que por favor no me irrite y diga que los quiere contar uno por uno y acepte su derrota ;).
Alina Rodriguez dijo…
jajaja, vaya...haste que encuentro a mas personas pensantes, la verdad yo = estoy contenta pq gano calderon, y ps el peje k ni se keje, tienen razon al decir k no hubo fraude ya k todo fue hecho por ciudadanos mexicanos, ademas si gano el prep, y si gano con el otro recuento, ps k le hacen, gano y punto, habra k esperar k dice el trife...bueno me despido, saludos a omar!!
Anónimo dijo…
arriba CAlderon..pinche Happy puto...has de ser un acarreado mas...
Gözт@vo™ dijo…
jajaja, japy acarreado!!... haber ese pinche "El staff" sigues pensando mamarle el pito a calderon? o ya te diste cuenta que que es una mamada como toda la clase politica del pais. Con todo respeto a los que se puedan ofender! no digo que estariamos mejor con el PG pero ciegamente Votamos (me incluyo) por el PAN pero el pais siuge siendo la misma mierda (politica y socialmente hablando).

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